Build a Culture of Well-Being: May 2023

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6 Ways to Beat Spring Allergies

There’s nothing like the warm, spring weather to make you want to step outside—but there’s also nothing like nasty spring pollen allergies to make you want to turn around and go right back in. If you suffer from seasonal allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever), you understand the love/hate relationship with the great outdoors.

"Allergies are not just a minor problem," says Mark Schecker, MD, an allergist and immunologist with Grand Strand Medical Center in Myrtle Beach, S.C. "A lot of people minimize their allergies. We know from studies that allergies have a significant impact on people's quality of life."

Allergy symptoms can disrupt your sleep, concentration, and productivity at work. But there are ways to ease your springtime allergy symptoms. Schecker offers some sure-fire spring allergy relief strategies that will help you enjoy the season, sans coughing, itching, and sneezing.

  1. Stay ahead of symptoms. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) recommends beginning a medication routine—even before allergy symptoms start. Medication prevents your body from releasing histamine and other chemicals that cause symptoms. A number of treatment options are available, but Schecker recommends nasal steroid sprays and antihistamines. Most medications are available over the counter, but it's important to consult your healthcare provider about the best regimen for you.
  2. When possible, pick the right time to venture outside.  Certain times of the day are worse for allergies than others, so check your area’s pollen counts and plan optional outdoor activities when pollen counts tend to be lowest, typically in the late afternoon.
  3. Keep windows closed.  It can be tempting to open the windows on a breezy day, but this can bring unwanted pollen into your home or car. Instead, turn on air conditioning, which cleans and cools the air. You can also use an air purifier in your home to clear the air of allergens.
  4. Cover up.  “Anything you can do to cover the surfaces or areas where the pollen is going to be entering the body is going to be a help," says Schecker. For this same reason, it’s best to avoid hanging sheets and towels outside to dry when pollen is bad.
  5. Rinse away the pollen.  If you bring pollen into your home on your hair, skin, and clothing, symptoms can persist long after you've stepped inside. After spending time outdoors, the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) recommends taking a shower, shampooing your hair, and changing clothes whenever possible.
  6. Get help for persistent symptoms.  Feel like you’ve tried everything and still can't get relief? Don’t give up! If physician-approved medication isn’t making much of a difference, talk to your healthcare provider about allergen immunotherapy, better known as allergy shots. Allergy shots help train your immune system to develop a tolerance to allergens and, over time, ease symptoms. An added bonus: Allergy shots can lower your need for other medications.
6 Ways to Beat Spring Allergies
Discover six strategies to ease your springtime allergy symptoms so you can find spring allergy relief with advice from allergist Mark Schecker, MD.

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