
Construction Safety Week

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Strong Voices, Safe Choices

Ames joins forces with firms across the nation during Construction Safety Week starting May 1. With the 2023 theme “Strong Voices, Safe Choices,” Construction Safety Week exemplifies the industry’s dedication to creating a culture and environment in which everyone can own and act on safety.

Monday, May 1: Engagement

Safety is the industry’s top value, and establishing a supportive culture is essential to creating a safe work environment. Feeling safe and having the power to speak up when we see something unsafe are important factors in our day-to-day well-being at work. Managers and workers must commit that they will use Strong Voices to back each other up and make Safe Choices. Planning, communicating, observing, and improving are ways to stay stronger and safer together.

Tuesday, May 2: Risk Identification

We all face risks and make mistakes every day. Most of the time, risks or mistakes don’t cause us injury or harm, but on the job they can be significant. We can take three key steps to minimize exposure and harm: knowing when we are placed in situations where errors are likely; being able to assess hazards; and identifying critical steps in our activities to make them safe. Open communication is key to having a stronger, safer workplace where we all look out for one another.

Wednesday, May 3: Brain Matters

The most effective tool we have is the one between our ears. We need to keep our brains safe and sound to accomplish everything we do. Your head protection is a great place to start. And just as important as keeping our brains safe physically is ensuring we take care of our mental health. One in five construction workers has faced challenges such as anxiety, depression, or substance abuse. Fighting the stigma surrounding mental health issues helps all of us stay stronger and safer together.

Thursday, May 4: Continue Learning and Demonstration Day

The construction industry is filled with people of different backgrounds and experiences. Our differences provide an opportunity to share lessons learned on making tasks safer and more efficient, improving our overall safety. Interactive demonstrations aimed at improving knowledge and safety that encourage participation and are led by experienced crew members can be educational and fun.

Friday, May 5: Take Action and Thank You

Participation in Safety Week grows every year as craft workers and companies come together and commit to creating a safer working environment. We hope this week has empowered you to be a Strong Voice and make Safe Choices. Thank you for participating in Construction Safety Week . Remember, safety is, and must always remain, our number one priority on our job sites.

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