
Message from the President

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

We hear many companies espouse the phrase “People are our greatest asset”—and too often, it’s merely a cliché spoken by those who fail to back it up with action. At Ames, we try to live up to that mantra every day. I don’t have to look any further than our hard-working, talented, and loyal workforce—filled with employees with decades of service—to see that we are walking the walk.

Our 2022 retirees—Kirk Boyd, Jeff Pedersen, Robert “Bob” Foley, Steve Multhauf, Eddie Odens, Mickey Olson, Ron Perkins, Steve Franzen, George Stayton, Dennis Cox, and Randy Bauman—exemplify the service and loyalty that flourishes at every level of our organization. I’d like to add to this group our departing Chief Administrative Officer Roger McBride, whose compassion, respect, and encouragement for the people of Ames Construction have shaped our corporate development for the past four decades.

These men came to Ames through different avenues, at different stages in their careers, bringing with them a range of skills and experiences. For some, Ames was the “new kid in town,” offering a chance to join a growing company with opportunities to move up. For others, Ames provided job stability, challenging work, and mentors who helped them learn to do the job better. Over and over, they say that Ames made them feel like they were part of the family.

In the January newsletter, I mentioned that the work we do is meaningful, but it is not easy. Our retirees have all worked demanding schedules on jobs big and small, gone above and beyond for the client when needed, while executing projects that benefit every community where we work. Because of their efforts, roads are safer, utilities are more reliable, quality of life is improved, and a more sustainable future is possible.

Roger shared this sentiment with me:

“I wish that I was 15 years younger because I am so excited for the future of Ames.”

The Ames owners and the team members who came before us built a firm foundation through values, vision, commitment, and sacrifice. Standing on that foundation, we are well-positioned to take on future challenges and opportunities.

When the next edition of the Angle is in your hands, please take the time to read about our 2022 retirees. With tenures ranging from five years to more than three decades, you can be sure they have stories to share and words of wisdom to pass along.

To our 2022 retirees, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for your hard work and loyalty to Ames Construction. You’ve helped to build America and make a difference in the lives of people across the U.S. Everyone at Ames is thankful and proud of the work you have done. Because of you, we can say, “People are our greatest asset,” and know that we really mean it. We wish you health, happiness, and new journeys.

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