
Focus on the Field: CCR Pond Closures

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Three project sites.
Two states.
One goal: CCR remediation.

Ames crews are working to close coal combustion residuals (CCR) ponds at two power plants in Iowa and one in Wisconsin.

Crew members from multiple states are on the sites, digging out wet ash, loading it onto trucks, and hauling it to the closure sites. Extensive dewatering is required as the ponds are within the groundwater elevation. In addition, the crews are challenged to keep water off of the ash as they work to dry it out prior to final placement.

About 19 workers are at each site. Crews are performing the work while the plants are operational, which requires traffic management in and out of the sites.

Remediation began in spring of 2022. The projects in Lansing and Burlington, Iowa, are on track to be complete this fall. Work in Columbia County, Wisconsin, is set for completion in mid-2024.

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