From that extra bite of pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving to ringing in the new year, the holiday season is meant to be filled with food, love, and cheer. But too often, it’s filled with stress. How does this happen?
Doing Too Much
Too many activities, even if they are fun, can leave us feeling frazzled rather than fulfilled.
Eating, Drinking, and Spending Too Much
It’s tempting to eat, drink, and be merry—often to excess. But the consequences can linger long after the season is over.
Too Much Togetherness—or Not Enough
Extended family gatherings can be wonderful, but even the most close-knit families can overdose on togetherness. At the same time, this is a hard time of year for people who are alone, especially those who have lost loved ones.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Diminishing daylight and chilly weather in some parts of the country cause many of us to spend more time indoors, resulting in Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of depression that affects many people to some degree.
Too many activities, even if they are fun, can leave us feeling frazzled rather than fulfilled.
What can you do to prevent holiday stress?
Set priorities.
Pick a few favorite traditions and really enjoy them, and say no to the rest.
Take shortcuts.
If you can’t skip an activity, is there a way to do it on a smaller scale?
Be smart about holiday eating.
Choose something healthy at each meal and practice mindful eating.
Change your expectations for togetherness.
With family and friends, it’s important to be aware of your limitations. Think back to past years and pinpoint how much togetherness brought you joy and when it became too much.
Set a schedule.
Put your plans on paper. Is it realistic or are you trying to pack in too much? Be sure to include times when you can get outside for exercise and exposure to daylight to ward off Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Take 10 minutes for a breathing mediation, or simply stop and take some deep cleansing breaths. Imagine breathing in serenity and breathing out stress.
Take care of you!
The holidays are often a time when we focus on others. Make sure to schedule time to take care of you!