
Meet Chuck Dickey

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

Chuck Dickey

Joined Ames: 2022 (Also worked for Ames from 1997-2002.)
Position: Foreman
Current Job Site: Leeville Tailings Screening, Nevada

With his ranching and farming background, it’s not surprising to learn that Chuck Dickey has been running equipment since he was a kid. He landed his first construction job at age 16, when his dad’s friend needed help in the summer at his construction company.

“My dad told his friend that I could run equipment, and that’s when it started,” he says.  

Chuck is on his second stint with Ames. He first joined the company in 1997, starting off on a pipe crew. He left to Ames to work for a mining operation, but eventually realized that the atmosphere wasn’t for him and he returned to construction, working for another company until an opportunity opened up at Ames. “I was glad to be back.”

Chuck says that Ames provides a good working environment with a tight-knit group of people.

“We all bounce around on different projects. I always like getting on new jobs. It’s good work.”

When asked about how he spends his time outside of work, he laughs and says, “Right now it’s eat, sleep, and come back to work!” Chuck and his wife Cindi are empty nesters who enjoy getting outside, four wheeling, hunting, and fishing.


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?


What is your favorite music genre or band?

Country, especially Chris LeDoux

What sports teams or athletes do you cheer for?

Green Bay Packers

What is your favorite tool on the job?

Track hoe

What is your favorite book?

“The Deep Dark: Disaster and Redemption in America’s Richest Silver Mine,” by Gregg Olson

What is the best gift you've ever received?

My sons

What is your favorite dessert?

Strawberry cheesecake

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