Joined Ames: 2004
Position: Superintendent, Western
Before joining Ames 20 years ago, Colby Warner worked in construction for smaller companies. Upon seeing Ames equipment on a bridge project in Provo Canyon, Utah, he started to think about a career shift.
“I decided I wanted to do something different instead of digging basements, so I drove by and asked if I could get a job,” he says. “I was told I needed to join the union so that’s what I did.”
Colby started with Ames as a scraper operator and then moved into running a grader. He later rose to the level of foreman and now works as a superintendent, currently at Kennecott.
“The people I’ve met over the years at Ames are what keeps me here. I’ve worked in probably 10 states for Ames now, and I’ve met almost everybody from Minnesota to California.”
Outside of work, Colby enjoys spending time in the mountains with his wife and kids. He has a property with a small cabin in the mountains and he also enjoys solo camping and camping with his family.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
“I’d really like to see Greece and Italy.”
What sports team do you cheer for?
“Utah State.”
What is a family tradition you look forward to each year?
“Thanksgiving, because that’s when I get to see my whole family.”
What is your favorite food?
“Roast or steak.”