
Dennis Clausen

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

Dennis Clausen

Joined Ames: 2004
Position: Operator

Dennis Clausen came to Ames in 2004, joining the Highway 63 project in Rochester, Minnesota.

Primarily a finish blade operator, Dennis spent the last two decades traveling all over the United States for Ames projects, from North Dakota to Colorado to Pennsylvania and most recently, the Greensboro-Randolph Megasite project in North Carolina. He was the first Ames operator on the site.

“It has been an honor to work for Ames. I would like to especially thank the Ames family and all of my coworkers who helped make being away from home and family a little easier.” 

Dennis’s retirement plans include opening a small gunsmithing shop and hunting, fishing, and traveling with his wife, Peggy.

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