
Jerome Guy

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

Jerome Guy
Joined Ames: 2013
Position: Operator, Midwest

Structures crew operator Jerome “Gyro” Guy joined Ames in 2013 on the I-35E MnPASS project in St. Paul, Minnesota. Favorite projects included the Third Avenue Bridge rehabilitation and the 35W Minnesota River Bridge project.

“I really wish I would have ended up at Ames a lot earlier in my career. It’s such an awesome company to work for. I just had so much fun, and they treated me so well.”

His best memories are laughing and having fun with his coworkers. “I met some amazing people. We had such a good time. I’m going to miss them all.”

Jerome is looking forward to hunting, riding his motorcycle, and traveling to Montana with his grandkids to look for dinosaur bones.  

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