
Patricia Campbell

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

Patricia “Trish” Campbell 
Joined Ames: 2006
Position: Claims Manager, Corporate Office

Patricia “Trish” Campbell joined Ames in 2006 as a temporary employee, but before the end of the year, Roger McBride offered her a permanent position. “I came with a claims background and was able to jump right in.”

Trish says she is fortunate to have been part of the growth of the company and the safety team for 18 years. Her fondest Ames memories include Valley Fair family day, taking her kids to see a nighttime bridge demolition, Christmas lunch at the shop, team volunteering with food shelves, and cooking with the safety team and Deb Malmgren during Safety Week. 

“It was great to visit and be face to face with the field workers. If it wasn’t for their hard work and dedication, Ames would not be what it is today. Hats off to all of them.”

She’s looking forward to spending time with family and friends, traveling in the U.S. and abroad, finishing her quilting projects and starting others, learning to play Mahjong, and taking other classes. 

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