
Retired: Susan Carter

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

Susan Carter

Joined Ames: 2014
Position: Senior Writer

Susan Carter began working for Ames on a contract basis in 2010, when she was hired to research and write the 50th anniversary book, “Persistence Creates Opportunity.” After more than 20 years as a freelancer, she joined Ames as the company’s first in-house writer in 2014 to develop content for an expanding range of marketing materials and publications.

“The anniversary book was a wonderful project, but it was just as exciting to be the first in-house writer and shape the way this role within the marketing team would support the company.”

In retirement, Susan is looking forward to settling into a new routine with her husband, Richard, reading more, journaling, and picking up freelance writing gigs when a project intrigues her (and saying no when it doesn’t).

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