
A High Standard Vision

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Ames’ Vision for Environmental and Quality Standards

Ames is in the final stages of completing and rolling out a new Environmental Management System (EMS) and Corporate Quality Manual. While the EMS will be new to some, Ames Construction has from its founding emphasized “Working in Harmony with Nature.” Even without a formal EMS, we have been actively carrying out many of the new standards for years.

Likewise with quality, meeting the project specifications or delivering a project that meets or exceeds client standards has always been our expectation. To ensure that all decisions and work performed are in the best interest of Ames as well as our clients, we will continue to apply a total quality management approach at every step, from project pursuit to close out.

Our clients are expecting more and more from us, and we want to be among the industry leaders in these areas.

Even though we are introducing new environmental and quality standards, we are not going to lose sight of what has made us successful, but rather build upon it.

What is changing is that we are formalizing Ames’ standards and will apply them to all projects and activities on a routine basis, holding ourselves accountable as both stewards of the environment and our own quality. We are not going to wait for an owner, client, or agency to lead or direct our efforts—we are going to do it ourselves.

We will develop metrics that measure our internal progress and allow us to see how we stack up against our competitors. We will also structure high-caliber teams within each region that will take a proactive approach and solely devote their efforts to training our people and setting up our projects to exceed the environmental and quality expectations of our industry.

Our clients are expecting more and more from us, and we want to be among the industry leaders in these areas. Delivering this vision will allow us to distinguish ourselves from our competition in a construction market that is dynamically shifting.

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