HR, People

The Ames Military ERG Wants You!

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

I want you for U.S. Army
Photo by Library of Congress / Unsplash

Did you know that Ames has a developed a Military Employee Resource Group (ERG) dedicated to creating a safe space for coworkers with common interests and concerns to meet and support one another?

What is an ERG for military personnel?

An ERG for military personnel in the construction industry is a support network that focuses on the needs and interests of Ames coworkers who are veterans or active military members. The group’s goal is to provide a sense of community, promote career development, and advocate for veteran-related issues within the workplace.

What are the benefits of joining?

Support Network: A community of peers who understand the unique challenges faced by veterans.

Resource Sharing: Access to information on available resources, such as educational benefits, mental health support, and financial planning services.

Personal and Professional Growth: Access to mentorship, training, and career development resources.

Advocacy: A platform to influence company policies and practices to better support employees who are veterans.

Increased Visibility: Opportunities to showcase leadership skills and contribute to the company’s diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Community Outreach: Engage in community service projects and volunteer opportunities, often with a focus on veteran-related causes.

Ames Military ERG FAQs

Q: What is an Employee Resource Group (ERG)?

A: An ERG is a voluntary, employee-led group of people who share a common interest. The ERG is committed to raising awareness and creating a sense of belonging among all employees by collectively developing programming, conducting (virtual) events and activities, and supporting community initiatives when possible.

Q: What are the benefits?

A: The ERG will provide the opportunity for networking and professional development. Perhaps the most valuable aspect of participation in an ERG is the sense of community and belonging, which is inherent to the goals and objectives of ERGs.

Q: Who should join the Military ERG?

A: Recently separated veterans, active-duty personnel, active and inactive Guard and Reserve members, prospective service members, people who are family to a veteran/military member, and civilian allies.

Q: What steps are required to join?

A: Employees must obtain approval from their supervisor and sign-up here:

Join the Ames Military ERG

Q: What is the time commitment?

A: An average of 1 hour per month will be required. An employee in an ERG leadership role may require 2-3 hours per month. With prior supervisory approval and as long as it does not interfere with the employee’s duties, additional time may be required for special events.

Q: Will I be paid for my participation?

A: During regular business hours, members of the ERG will be paid regular time. Completion of ERG tasks or participation in ERG activities must not result in the accrual of overtime. Some volunteer hours for special events may be required.

Q: Are international military members allowed?

A: Yes, the ERG is for military members of all nations.

Q: What if I want to join but I don’t want to share my story?

A: ERG members decide how much of their personal story they want to share. The ERG is a safe place designed to make each member comfortable.

Q: How will monthly ERG meetings be conducted?

A: Meetings will be held virtually via Teams.

Q: What is the process to discontinue my participation in an ERG if desired?

A: An employee must send an email to the designated ERG Chair/Co-Chair and their supervisor if they desire to discontinue their ERG participation.


Statements made within the ERG forums or discussions do not constitute notice to your employer of workplace issues such as discrimination complaints or ADA and FMLA compliance. Please contact your Human Resources Department to address these specific issues or concerns.

Verbal or written statements or discussions within the ERG or its resources do not imply endorsement by Ames Construction (Ames). Ames makes no endorsement, express or implied, of any posts, comments, activities, or actions of ERG members. Please also be advised that all posts, comments, and discussions within the ERGs or ERG resources may be subject to disclosure under state law.

Participation in an ERG is voluntary and is not a required condition of employment. Moreover, no activities occurring outside of regular work hours undertaken as part of participation in an ERG shall be considered within the course and scope of employment.

Ames Construction is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran. ​

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