Community, People

When a Brush Fire Threatens a Community, It's Ames to the Rescue

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

Thanks to the quick thinking and brave actions of the Ames team on the Tonto Creek Bridge Project in Arizona, a potential tragedy in the community of Tonto Basin was averted.

On June 8, Project Engineer Ben Husband and Water Truck Driver Steve Oubre noticed a plume of smoke outside of the project limits. Being in a remote location and understanding the limited resources of rural fire departments, Ben and Steve agreed to respond with the water truck to find out what was going on and assist if possible.

Taking the truck to the location the smoke was coming from, Steve found that he was the first person on the site of a brush fire that was spreading quickly. He was able to extinguish the fire using the water truck’s spray bar, saving property and possibly lives, according to Tonto Basin Fire District Chief John D. Wisner.

In a letter of commendation to Steve, Chief Wisner wrote:

“Our community is fortunate to have men such as you who will drop everything to help someone in need. You may not formally be a member of the Tonto Basin Fire Department, but on that day you were a firefighter just the same. Your service to others before self are in keeping with the highest traditions of the fire service and worthy of recognition by all.”

Because of amazing team members like Steve and Ben, when we say that Ames is Powered by People who support the communities where we live and work, we can really mean it. Steve and Ben, we are so proud of you!

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