People, Safety

Use Ames’ Acceptable Use Policy to Thwart Identity Theft and Cybercrime

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

Identity theft and cybercrime continue to rise.

Ames is working diligently to protect our information resources, but team members still need to be aware of the threats and take steps within their power to protect both company and personal data. Ames’ Acceptable Use Policy will help you be safer in today’s cyberworld.

Here are some elements of the policy:

  • Mobile devices that access Ames Construction data must have a PIN or other authentication mechanism enabled.
  • Personnel should use discretion in disclosing confidential or internal information in Out of Office or other automated responses, such as employment data, internal telephone numbers, location information, or other sensitive data.
  • Passwords must not be posted on or under a computer or in any other physically accessible location.
  • Personnel should log off or lock their workstations and laptops when their workspace is unattended.


For more information, see the full Acceptable Use Policy.

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