
5 New Year’s Resolutions to Inspire Diversity and Inclusion

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

It’s that time of year again, when we reflect on our trip around the sun and set our sights on the next one. What are the goals, dreams, desired changes, or systems we’d like to incorporate into our life? Let’s break down some open-ended resolutions to kickstart an inclusive year ahead.

Setting actionable intentions

We often think of New Year’s resolutions as promises we make to improve ourselves in some way. Often life-changing or lofty, goal-based resolutions can be hard to keep.

Perhaps you’ve identified a skill you want to learn, a healthy lifestyle habit you’d like to practice, or a hobby to focus on in the New Year. The challenge is identifying the small, day-to-day commitments that will lead to the success of that goal and sticking with it.

Join us in setting some open-ended intentions for the attitudes and perspectives we can control. Use this short list of intentions as inspiration to live more positively and consciously in the New Year, and know that you are contributing to a worldwide resolution of inclusion.

1. I will try something new in an environment designed for all people.

Learn about the possibilities by reaching out to a local organization that can point you in the right direction based on your interests across sports, recreation, music, arts, or theatre.

With specialized equipment, teams, programs, and staff dedicated to inclusion, so much is possible to meet new people from different backgrounds. Do you love cooking? Try a cooking class that specializes in a cuisine you are not familiar with and take the time to learn about the culture it comes from.

2. I will remind myself not to compare.

Ever heard of the old adage “comparison is the thief of joy”? This can ring especially true when reflecting on last year’s accomplishments and planning for the next. By shifting your focus from being better than others to being a better version of yourself, you will see more progress and growth.

Keep in mind that not everyone is given the same opportunity or support. We all had a different starting point in life and the journey to the finish line will not be the same for everyone.

3. I will listen to and learn from individuals with backgrounds different from my own.

From picking up an autobiography, to tuning in for a TED talk, to forming a personal relationship with someone new, we have a lot of options for learning from people with backgrounds different from our own.

You may never truly know how a person’s background shapes their experience. You can, however, gain empathy, understanding, and perspective by learning directly from those who come from different backgrounds.

4. I will recognize diversity and advocate for inclusion.

We all have our reasons for spending time and money where we do. Supporting businesses and programs that prioritize diversity and inclusion helps to promote the investment in spaces that are designed for all community members.

Maybe you prefer to spend with companies that prioritize sustainability or fair trade. Perhaps you prefer to support women or minority-owned businesses. Wherever you spend your hard-earned dollars, consider adding inclusivity to your checklist of reasons. Making the demand for diversity and inclusion known will help to transform our world into one where it is the expectation, rather than the exception.

5. I will align my language with the identity of others.

The language we use every day is important. It has the power to help us define ourselves and connect with others. Listening to and using the chosen language styles and word choice of others when communicating with people can help create a more welcoming space for conversation and deeper relationships.

So how do we know what to say when speaking to others? You listen, or ask! Encourage yourself this New Year to normalize adapting your language to the model that your conversation partner uses, and asking for further clarification. Consciously customizing your inclusive language says to that person: your choices and identity matter, and I respect them.


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