
Ames Joins the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

By Chris Ennes, Corporate Environmental Director

Ames has joined the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI), and some select Ames employees are working toward earning the organization’s professional credentials.

ISI is a nonprofit education and research organization dedicated to advancing sustainable, resilient, and equitable civil infrastructure. Based in Washington, D.C., ISI was established in 2010 by three engineering associations—American Public Works Association (APWA), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)—along with the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

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The organization develops, manages, and administers Envision®—a holistic framework and rating system that enables a thorough examination of civil infrastructure’s sustainability and resiliency. Sustainable infrastructure projects receive an Envision-Verified Silver, Gold, or Platinum award based on an overall project score. Projects are rated through a third-party verification program of Envision Sustainability Professionals (ENV SP).

Some Ames employees are completing the ENV SP training course, which culminates with a comprehensive exam. After earning the credentials, ENV SPs must maintain seven continuing education units per year.

By joining the organization and having persons with ENV SP credentials within our workforce, Ames will stay up to date with current sustainability practices that will benefit our design team partners during early-phase development of projects. We will also continue to foster sustainable construction practices in line with our tagline “Working in Harmony with Nature.”

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