Build a Culture of Well-Being: March 2023

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

Cancer Awareness & Prevention

Cancer affects one in three people in the United States. Chances are that you or someone you know has been affected by cancer. Cancer starts when something goes wrong in your body during the normal process of cells growing and dividing. When old or abnormal cells do not die off, they can grow out of control and crowd out normal cells. For many people, cancer can be treated successfully. In fact, more people than ever lead full lives after cancer treatment.

What is Cancer? | Cancer Basics | American Cancer Society
Cancer starts when cells begin to grow out of control. Here is some information to help you better understand and define cancer.

For Ames Medical Plan Members:


Go mobile with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota.

The BCBS app makes it easier than ever to access important health plan information, your medical card, and claim data. Log into the app using the same username and password that you used to set up an account on the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota’s member website.

VSP Vision Care

  • Locate in-network private practice doctors and retail locations near you
  • Create an account to track benefits
  • Learn more about eye health in general
  • Shop for new eyewear and contacts online
  • And more at →
Save with health and wellness offers from VSP
New Year, New You! Save More With Healthy Offers

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