Safety, People

Inclusion & Safety Culture: Racism Toolbox Talk Series, Part 2

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

Inclusion is a critical component of Safety Culture.

Safety was once considered simply a compliance burden, but over the past few decades, the construction industry has embraced safety as a critical component of workplace culture.

When companies are building a safety culture, more often than not they focus solely on the physical aspect. Inclusion is not considered. However, the mental and emotional well-being of employees—based on whether they feel included as a valued member of the team—can be linked to safety incidences on a job site.

Assessment versus Harassment

It is common practice for construction workers to observe and assess new employees—regardless of race or ethnicity—to determine skill level and ensure safe work practices. These assessments become an issue when they shift from skill and safety checks to workplace harassment, hazing, or bullying. Companies that have established inclusive cultures will help ensure that employees understand the difference between the two.

Ongoing acts of racism take a mental and emotional toll on the well-being of the individuals who are the targets of racist attacks. Even if you are not the direct target of these racist acts, they are still likely to affect your ability to safely perform your job and the safety performance of everyone around you. Studies show that 71 percent of all employees report being affected—either directly or indirectly—by some type of exclusionary behavior an average of four times per year.

Your Responsibility

It is everyone’s responsibility on a job site—including yours—to speak up and/or do something when witnessing acts of racism and ensure a safe working environment for all. If one person’s safety is affected by acts of racism, it impacts the safety of everybody else on the job site.

The third and final toolbox talk in this series will provide tips on how you can be an active bystander against racism.

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