
William Gibby

Sixty-Two: Ames News — delivered.

William Gibby
Joined Ames: 2007
Position: Operator

William Gibby joined Ames 17 years ago as a water truck driver on the White Pine Canyon residential ski development project near Park City, Utah. His first project remains one of his favorites because of the setting in the mountains. He also enjoyed working on the I-15 project between Kaysville and Layton.

“White Pine Canyon was a project I really liked because I’ve lived in Utah all my life and always enjoyed the mountains. Some mornings in the fall we’d be having our safety meetings and we’d hear the elk in the background or see a herd of elk walking across the mountain.”

He eventually transitioned to operating a John Deere tractor for the tailings work at Kennecott. Since retiring, William has purchased a home in Alabama and will be moving there to be closer to family.

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